All systems are operational

About This Site

⚠️ The status of services is not detected automatically. This page is updated manually by the Reservit team when an incident is detected or a maintenance operation is scheduled in order to inform customers. If a service seems to be down but is not indicated as such here, please contact us.

Stickied Incidents

Monday 2nd September 2024 [Reservit] Impact : Failure to send information between Reservit and partner BOOKING

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an issue sending information between Reservit and our partner 9:00 am (UTC).

Our technical team is currently working to resolve this incident as soon as possible.

We will get you updated.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Best Regards,

Customer Service, Reservit

  • Dear Customer,

    Please notice that the situation is back to normal since 14 h 15 (UTC time).

    Information sent from BOOKING is received normally in your Reservit Channel Manager.

    No further action is required on your part.

    Thank you for your trust.

    Best Regards,

    Reservit Customer Service

  • Wednesday 14th August 2024 [] Impact : Failure into integrating reservations from

    Dear Customer, is currently experiencing an issue sending bookings to your Reservit Channel Manager since 7h30 am (UTC hours).
    The Booking teams are currently working on resolving it.

    If you are not connected to Booking then you are not affected by this malfunction.

    We will get back to you as soon as they return.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

    Best Regards,

    Customer Care, Reservit

  • Dear Customers,

    Our partner has informed us that the situation is back to normal since 12h45 PM(UTC Time).

    Reservations sent from are being integrated normally into your Reservit Channel Manager.

    You can now open the booking channel in your Reservit schedule.

    No further action needs to be taken.

    Thank you for your trust ,

    Best Regards,

    Customer Care, Reservit

  • Past Incidents

    Wednesday 11th October 2023

    Servers and systems Unsent mail

    Dear customers,

    We are currently experiencing problems sending reservation confirmation emails / and sending bank security codes since 11/10/2023 around 8am.

    Our technical team is currently working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

    We will keep you informed of any further developments.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

    Yours faithfully

    Customer Service

  • Dear customers,

    We would like to inform you that sending of booking confirmation and bank security code validation emails is active again.

    No further action is required on your part.

    We thank you for your confidence.

    Yours faithfully

    Reservit Customer Service

  • Tuesday 10th October 2023

    No incidents reported

    Monday 9th October 2023

    [Expedia] Impact : errors integrating inventory and price updates

    Dear customers,

    Expedia is currently experiencing a failure to receive inventory and pricing updates from your Reservit channel manager since 7:05 am UTC.

    Expedia teams are currently working to resolve this issue.

    If you are not connected to Expedia then you are not affected by this malfunction.

    We will get back to you as soon as they return.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

    Best Regards,

    Customer Care, Reservit

  • Dear Customers,

    Our Expedia partner has informed us that the situation is back to normal since 9h30 AM (UTC Time).

    No further action needs to be taken.

    Thank you for your trust ,

    Best Regards,

    Customer Care, Reservit

  • Sunday 8th October 2023

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 7th October 2023

    No incidents reported

    Friday 6th October 2023

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 5th October 2023

    No incidents reported