- Défaut d'intégration de réservations distributeurs Friday 23rd June 2023 00:25:00

Dear customer, is currently experiencing an issue sending reservations to your Reservit Channel Manager (since 00h25 UTC Time). The Booking teams are currently working on resolving it. We will get back to you as soon as they come back to us,

If you are not connected to any distributor, then you are not affected by this malfunction.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Best regards Customer Service

Chers Clients, Le partenaire nous informe d'un retour à la normale depuis 01h25 (heure UTC) Les réservations sont renvoyées vers votre Channel Manager Reservit.

Vous pouvez ouvrir de nouveau le canal Booking sur Reservit.

Aucune action supplémentaire n'est nécessaire.

Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée,

Cordialement, Le service Clients Reservit

Dear Customers,

Our partner has informed us that the situation returns to normal at 01h25 AM (UTC Time) and reservations are being integrated into your Reservit Channel Manager.

You can open the channel on Reservit again.

No further action needs to be taken.

We apologize for the inconvenience,

Yours sincerely

Customer Service,
