[Reservit] Impact: Failure to send reservations from Reservit Channel Manager to your PMS Monday 16th October 2023 17:42:00

Dear customers,

We are currently experiencing an issue sending reservations between the Reservit Channel Manager and your PMS since 9h20 (UTC hours) .

Our technical team is currently working on resolving it as soon as possible. We will keep you updated.

If you do not have a PMS linked to Reservit Channel Manager, then you are not affected by this malfunction.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Best Regards,

Customer Service, Reservit

Dear Customers,

Please notice that the situation is back to normal since 04:10 PM (UTC time). Reservations are sent to the affected PMS without any malfunction. Your reservations should be integrated into your PMS within the next few minutes.

No further action is required on your part.

Thank you for your trust.

Best Regards,

Customer Care, Reservit