All systems are operational

About This Site

⚠️ The status of services is not detected automatically. This page is updated manually by the Reservit team when an incident is detected or a maintenance operation is scheduled in order to inform customers. If a service seems to be down but is not indicated as such here, please contact us.

Stickied Incidents

Wednesday 23rd October 2024

[Reservit] Issue is resolved: Access problem to the back office of Reservit

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that the large-scale attack of which Reservit was victim between Monday October 21 and Tuesday October 22 is resolved.

Your access to Reservit tools, both front office and back office, is fully functional since October 22 at 1 p.m (UTC).

We invite you to check the correct integration of your reservations

We again apologize for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your trust.


Customer service

Past Incidents

Tuesday 20th June 2023

[] Défaut d'intégration de réservations distributeurs

Cher client,

Booking rencontre actuellement un défaut d'intégration des réservations en provenance de Booking dans Reservit. Les équipes booking travaillent actuellement à la résolution du dysfonctionnement.

Pour éviter les réservations en surbook, nous vous conseillons de fermer momentanément le canal booking dans votre planning Reservit.

Nous revenons vers vous dès leur retour,

Si vous n'êtes connecté à aucun distributeur, alors vous n'êtes pas impacté par ce dysfonctionnement.

Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée,

Cordialement, Le Service Clients

Dear customer,

We are currently experiencing an issue integrating reservations from Booking into Reservit. The Booking teams are currently working on resolving it.

We will get back to you as soon as they come back to us,

If you are not connected to any distributor, then you are not affected by this malfunction.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Best regards Customer Service

  • Chers Clients,

    Le partenaire booking nous informe d'un retour à la normale, les réservations sont renvoyées vers votre channel manager Reservit.

    Vous pouvez ouvrir de nouveau le canal Booking sur Reservit.

    Aucune action supplémentaire n'est nécessaire.

    Veuillez nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée,

    Cordialement, Service Clients, Reservit

    Dear customers,

    Our Booking partner has informed us that the situation returns to normal, and reservations are being integrated in your Reservit channel manager.

    You can open the Booking channel on Reservit again.

    No further action needs to be taken.

    We apologize for the inconvenience,

    Yours sincerely

    Customer Service, Reservit

  • Monday 19th June 2023

    No incidents reported

    Sunday 18th June 2023

    No incidents reported

    Saturday 17th June 2023

    No incidents reported

    Friday 16th June 2023

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 15th June 2023

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 14th June 2023

    No incidents reported